Obsidian Onyx Pre-Dylos vs. Dylos
This page includes important ShowCockpit compatibility information for Onyx users.
Since the early days of Martin M-PC, we have been providing an unofficial solution to interface with the software now named Onyx, part of the Obsidian Control Systems.
As the Onyx software evolved, an update to the respective ShowCockpit driver was constantly required. With the Onyx release that includes Dylos, unfortunately, we will not be able to keep ShowCockpit compatibility as before
What has changed?.
If you don't update to Dylos, nothing has changed regarding the functionality that is available for Onyx v4.2.1057.0 with the (old?) Onyx driver - we will include it in future ShowCockpit versions and it will keep working for that Onyx version.
Unfortunately, any newer Onyx versions will not be supported with this driver.
Any alternatives if I want to upgrade my Onyx version to Dylos?
Of course! You can keep using ShowCockpit along with the new driver that connects to Onyx through the OSC protocol (please read below).
Do I need to purchase a new driver?
If you already had the Onyx driver when we lauched the OSC driver, you don't need to buy it! We are giving the Onyx OSC driver for free for users that owned the Onyx driver prior to this update.
New purchases of the Onyx driver are not entitled to any free upgrades or driver exchange. Pro users already have access to the Onyx OSC driver since ShowCockpit v3.11.
Does the OSC driver provide the same functions as before?
Unfortunately the official Onyx OSC interface provides a sub-set of the functionality that was provided by ShowCockpit Onyx driver. You can compare the functions in the following links:
Before (old Onyx driver): https://showcockpit.com/site/docs/?d=52
Now (new Onyx OSC driver): https://showcockpit.com/site/docs/?d=109
What about LUA Support
There is still support for LUA scripts through the OSC driver, although the function set is limited to the ones provided by Onyx OSC interface.
Ok, I understand, but I still want to buy the old driver
Pro Accounts: the old driver is included (no need to buy it);
New Basic Account: click here;
Upgrade existing Basic Account: click here.
For any further information, feel free to contact us via private message.
I have tried the Onyx OSC driver, but I am experiencing delays
With the Dylos update, Obsidian is now inducing a delay on OSC input if you do not have original Onyx hardware connected. Please refer to Obsidian Onyx documentation for more information on this.
Last updated
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